Sunday, October 10, 2010

Stinger HandGun For a Good Cause...

Hello everybody, at least hello to the one or two that might actually see this post.

Three weeks or so ago, a really good family had their house broken into and all of their possesions stolen by some heartless, horrible people. Not only are Mike, Ashley, Connor, and Taylor Perry renting their place (with no renters insurance, so no insurance help), but their amazing little boy Connor has a degenerative eye disease that is severely affecting his vision. Connor is 2 1/2 years old and  his eyesight has quickly deteriorated over his young life. Unfortunately, the Perry's health insurance will not cover most of the required care that Connor needs.

Next weekend, Saturday October 16, a group of friends that has started a charity called Connor's Vision will be holding a BBQ and horseshoe tournament at the Balboa Park Horsechoe Club, located on the corner of 6th and Juniper, SD CA 92101, from 1pm to 4pm.

I am handcrafting a Stinget HandGun as one of the prizes for the tournament. There is a $10 buy in per team, and we will be selling hot dogs, chips, and drinks for donations to Connor's Vision. All proceeds will go towards Connor's Vision. Please show up for a good time and a good cause.

Tools of the trade...


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