Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

ASymm Fin Install

So I'm trying to figure out how to place my fins in the ASymm...After talking to George at Plus One I think I have a plan.

The pics below show the quad side set up as desired at: Front fin - 11 1/2" from tail, 1 1/4" from rail, 1/4" toe-in. Back fin - 5 3/4" from tail, 1 3/4" from rail, 3/16" toe-in.

The keel fin is shown set up as follows: 6" from tail, 1 1/4" from rail, 1/8" toe-in.

After talking with George I think I'm gonna move the keel fin up to about 6 3/4" from tail and keep my other numbers the same...routerto be buzzing as soon as the water surrounding the shed clears...

A sick cover of a sick song

The Gorillaz cover the XX's Crystalized

Sunday, December 12, 2010


Finally got a weekend to do my man hobbies. Laminated the bottom of the ASymm and brewed a batch of Black IPA!

Here is a shot of the deck of the ASymm after final shaping.

For the lamination, I thought why not do crazy ass lamination to go along with a crazy ass board. I've always wanted to try a Mexican Blanket look, so I got a half dozen squirt bottles and mixed up 6 different colors. Unfortunately I ended up with more of a rainbow look of primary colors. Next time I will make thinner lines, more colors, and add some black and white lines in between to break up the color a bit.

Here is what I was actually gunning for...

Well, the lamination came out pretty good despite the color not matching...and I'm sure this crazy ass board will draw stares wherever it surfs...

Thursday, December 2, 2010

12 Hours South of the Border from Aaron Schall on Vimeo.

A short little video Aaron put together of my recent adventure to Mex...Enjoy!-